Our food

Collecting potatoes

Picking tomatoes

Stacking our production


Bottling our wine
From production to consumption. A quote that we see very often, here at Diahroniko, is not merely a slogan, but integral part of our lifestyle and a daily habit. Our kitchen is constantly supplied with exceptional quality ingredients and food produced by the Plessas family.
- Fresh vegetables and greens from our gardens – tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, potatoes, marrows and onions – as well as seasonal fruits, such as watermelons and peaches, all grown under the Zakynthian sun.
- Fresh meat, such as pork, lamb or goat meat, rabbit and chicken, all bred in our farm. Beef and veal at Diahroniko is procured by a local producer of the island.
- White and red wine from our vineyards.
- Homemade hand-kneaded bread, baked at our traditional wood-fired oven.
- Virgin olive oil from our grove.
Every single dish that we serve bears a part of our hard work and our passion for original Zante food. Therefore our customers become essentially guests at our home.